Thursday, January 16, 2014

101 amazing exercises for practising the definite article!!!

I have created 101 exercises for you to test and learn in depth everything about the definite article. This insane training session will definitely train your brain and your ability of using the definite article.
Here you have the exercises together with the key.
Enjoy it and don't forget to share your treasure with others

Definite article exercise

Fill in the fields with the definite article (the) when necessary. You may need to put some nouns in plural.
1. … are very independent animals (wolf)
2. When you look at … , you can see many clouds (sky)
3. … are tourists' favourite destination. (Alps)
4. … always want the best for their children.(parents)
5. When I take … I always pay for my ticket. (bus)
6. I don't like travelling by … (bus)
7. There is a big difference between … and … (cat,dog)
8. There is a big difference between … of a word and … we pronounce it. (meaning,way).
9. We have to walk for 2 hours until we reach …. (castle)
10. … is very important for both men and women (beauty)
11. … is that we are out of money. (truth)
12. … does not bring … but it enriches it (money,happiness)
13.I don't have … for learning English (time)
14. Students don't have … necessary for studying 4 hours every day.
15. I want to go on a trip to …(Lake Ontario)
16. … plays a very important role in our life. (school)
17. My mother drives me to … every day.
18. a very beautiful place in London (Hyde Park)
19.I watch...every day (television)
20.I love to travel by... (plane) way to relax is reading a book.
22....are very loyal (dog)
23....of ... is still to be revealed.(mystery, Maya)
24....mustn't ruin your life (sadness)
25.Can you show me... on the map? (Pacific Ocean)
26.I never the morning. (breakfast)
27....I am going on a trip (Monday)
28.On...of June we celebrate my father's birthday. (three)
29. I have... on my shoes because I have been walking on ...(sand/beach)
30. a natural resource (water)
31. In today's anatomy class we discussed about...(health)
32. the land of promise for many people (United States of America)
33. My mother is preparing...(lunch)
34. Can you give me back owe me? (money)
35. There are many people on ...(street)
36. Madrid is ...of Spain (capital) the American currency. (dollar)
38 Everyone wants to have... and ... (fame,money)
39.Today I am staying at ...(home)
40. I have to decide on...for this year. (holidays)
41... is the colour of the sky. (blue)
42. I would like to travel to ...(moon)
43. How is (weather)
44. it?( time)
45.Can you give me more details about ...and place of the accident? (time)
46. My friend has...of a mule (intelligence)
47. You need ...and bake a cake (flour,oil)
48. I need help to do... because I don't understand anything (homework)
50. Our teacher gives us a lot of ...(homework)
51. I never go out at ...(midnight)
52. You don't have kill animals (right)
53. If you want to get to the town hall you have to turn...(right) and then turn...(right/left)
54. I usually go to my native town in...(summer)
55. My brother was born in ...of 1986 (summer)
56. Today I will go to ...(cinema)
57. ...contains a lot of caffeine (coffee)
58....helps the development of our society (science)
59. She has a degree in...(philosophy)
60. I do ...every morning (bed)
61. Today I am staying in ...(bed)
62. ...were built by...(Pyramid, Egyptian)
63.... are huge constructions built in the name of gods (Pyramid)
64.The high content in ...makes...the best food choice (nutrient,fruit)
65. I want to have a walk in ...(park)
66.... shows how intelligent a person is.(IQ)
67.I am going to read a book about ...(sleep)
68.... is always right (mother-in-law)
69.I am going to ...(doctor)
70.She works in ...(hospital)
71.We went to ... to visit her.(hospital)
72.... have become more expensive.(loan)
73.I love spending time in ...(nature)
74.We have to do celebrate this event in ...(family)
75.My friend is dreaming of doing ...(catwalk)
76.My mom is preparing ...for me (luggage)
77....are kids' favorite treat. (sweets)
78.Can you please turn on ...?(light)
79.I sweeten my coffee with ...(honey)
80.This evening I am planning of listening to...(music)
81.My best friend invited me to... this evening (dinner)
82.I wake up at 7 am in ...(morning)
83.May I turn on ... because I cannot hear anything?(volume)
84.He is really keen on studying ...(accounting)
85.I am looking at the ... because I am afraid I will be late for ...(watch,school)
86.My father is looking for ...because he has been unemployed for the past 2 months. (work)
87.I wake up every day before ...and I come home after (sunrise,sunset)
88.The mechanic needs to change ...of my car (oil)
89.We are running out of this house. (oil)
90.Every single day we hear ... about ... (news, greenhouse effect).
91.... is now one of the hottest topic of discussion on... (environment,television)
92.I have heard on ...that getting better these days (radio,weather)
93.My sister is teaching me to play... although I like ...(tennis,chess)
94.I cannot eat... or ...because I am allergic to them. (fish, vegetable)
95.Since I am sick I take ... every 6 hours (medicine)
96.Have you checked ... to see what day is today? (calendar)
97.I bought a lot of presents for ...(Christmas)
98.Next week we celebrate ...(Easter)
99.I don't like to see ... and ... around the house (chaos,mess)
100.I never have ...when I go to the restaurant (dessert)
101.My favorite literary genre is ...(science fiction)


1. (Wolves)
2. (the sky)
3. (the Alps)
5. (the bus)
6. (bus)
7. (cats,dogs)
8. (the meaning,the way).
9.(the castle)
10. (Beauty)
11. (The truth)
14. (the time)
15. (Lake Ontario)
18. (Hyde Park)
20. (plane)
21.(The best way)
23.(The mystery, the Maya)
25. (the Pacific Ocean)
26. (breakfast)
27 (Monday)
28.(the third)
29. (sand/the beach)
30. (water)
31. (health)
32.(the United States of America)
34. (the money)
35. (the street)
36. (the capital)
37.(The dollar)
38 (fame,money)
40. (the holidays)
41. (Blue)
42. (the moon)
43. (the weather)
44. ( time)
45.(the time)
46. (the intelligence)
47. (flour,oil)
48. (the homework)
50. (homework)
51. (midnight)
52. (the right)
53. ( right/ left)
54. (summer)
55. (the summer)
56. (the cinema)
57. (Coffee)
58. (Science)
59. (philosophy)
60. (the bed)
61. (bed)
62. (The Pyramids, the Egyptians)
63.(The temples)
65. (the park)
66.(The IQ)
68. (Mother-in-law)
69.(the doctor)
71.(the hospital)
75.(the catwalk)
76. (the luggage)
77. (Sweets)
78.(the light)
81. (dinner)
82.(the morning)
83.(the volume)
85.(the watch,school)
86. (work)
87. (sunrise,sunset)
88. (the oil)
89. (oil)
90. (news, the greenhouse effect).
91. (The environment,television)
92. (the radio, the weather)
94. (fish, vegetables)
95. (medicine)
96. (the calendar)
99. (chaos,mess)
100. (dessert)
101.(science fiction)


  1. I think, because you are my best friend... learning english is easy for me... because of you :p

  2. It's nice to learn a foreign language especially English with you. Greetings from Athens and i wish you a very happy weekend.
